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Lets work ON your Businessnot IN your Business

Welcome to 
Orion Tiatia Consulting

”Helping develop and substantially improve our clients’ performance that contributes to the personal and professional aspects of their lives and to create an energetic, exciting, and vibrant firm that attracts and retains exceptional people, groups, and organizations.”

According to Statistics New Zealand, small business and start-ups account for 97.5% of all businesses in New Zealand. New Zealand also records an abnormally high percentage of start-ups that fail in comparison to the global average of 30%. This is what makes Business Consultants very important and in high demand today. Consultants come in many shapes and sizes and specialize in certain areas to assist business owners and entrepreneurs in launching their start up or improving the various aspects of their business. What is a Business Consultant? A business consultant is a professional who provides advice and guidance to businesses on a range of topics, such as strategy, operations, marketing, finance, and human resources. They help businesses identify opportunities for growth and improvement and develop plans to achieve their goals. Why choose OT Consulting? At OT Consulting, we like to preach what we practice. No bull, no rubbish. Straight up the guts advice and guidance to ensure you WIN! What better way to provide business advice than to do so from extensive experience and delivered with a hands-on approach? Our consultants are award winning and highly experienced entrepreneurs and business owners themselves who know exactly what it takes to build successful start-ups, develop personal and professional entrepreneurial profiles, and strategically design and manage businesses to success! Led by our Founder/Director and Principal Consultant, Orion Tiatia, we believe in customizing deliveries tailored to our client’s level of understanding in business and doing so with a very practical approach. What better way to get advice than from a team of professionals willing to get in the trenches with you! Contact us now and let us join you in your crusade to success!

Want to take your Business to the next level?
Got a Business idea but don't know where to start?

We work with businesses from inception to fruition and provide continued support services to ensure they are on the right pathway to achieving their performance goals.

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